It's a gift for her daughter and son-in-law, and Barbara arranged the traditional log cabin quilt blocks in a mountain-shape. She said the colors were inspired by the colors of the Rocky Mountains in the fall. Golden leaves on the aspens, and grey/white bark on the birch trees. I dig it!
She asked me to add a gentle stipple, which will be very serviceable for this great big, cuddly quilt. I also applied Barbara's prepared binding strip to the front, ready for her to take home stitch to the back side. What a winner!
My quilting is all free-motion, hand-guided on a longarm quilting machine.
Here you see the junction where the end of the binding strip meets the beginning. Smooth as cream!
And here's the binding, as it rounded the corner. It will wrap around to the back, and make a perfectly mitered corner. 

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