Thursday, September 10, 2015
Sandy's Fresh and Funky Quilt
My new client and quilty friend, Sandy, brought me this quilt top that she put together for her brother- and sister-in-law. The colors are so youthful and fun. She wanted it NOT to look too girly. Now, the options for "manly" quilting motifs are lacking in most quilters' repertoires, including mine. Sandy looked through a sample book I put together several months ago and pinpointed a concentric squares pattern that, truthfully, I never liked. I had never even used it in a real quilt, but kept the fabric page in my sample book just to beef it up. I admit it! So when Sandy picked this design, I had internal reservations. But after some practice, I got to work, and BOY, am I glad she requested this design! It was the PERFECT choice for this quilt pattern - straight, square, sharp, crisp. And also masculine! Thanks, Sandy, for forcing me out of my comfort zone and into a new favorite quilting design. I mean it, I'm gonna start putting this stuff on everything!
You were doing a great job right from the start! Your friends and neighbors were so fortunate.