
Thursday, May 2, 2019

My First T-Shirt Quilt

I can't believe I've been so obsessed with quilting for so long, and yet, this is the first T-shirt quilt I ever pieced! This was a start-to-finish project for a client of mine. She brought me 30-or-so t-shirts and items of clothing, and it got returned to her a finished piece. It was a really fun diversion from my usual workload!

I did NOT put batting inside this quilt. I used fleece as backing, and it turned out so very supple and cuddly. It will be for a wheelchair-bound family member, and I think it will be just right!

I had SO much fun imagining all the memories that were involved in each of these t-shirts!

One of the t-shirts had a pretty un-ignorable hole in it, so I appliqued a scrap from a different quilt over top.

This is my attempt to show you how drapey and supple this quilt is. It has no body or memory.

My daughters really wanted to cuddle with this quilt. Normally I don't let them touch clients' quilts, but in this case I couldn't see the harm. The t-shirts had not only been touched before - they had been worn!

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