
Saturday, February 3, 2018

1st Quilt in New House!

You guys, I feel ashamed to say this - but I think I'm in over my head. I thought I had more in me, but it turns out I don't. Eric and I recently purchased a new home on an acreage where we can keep our horses and live the quiet country life and let our girls run wild and toughen up. As a couple of farm kids, living in town for so many years has been a challenge (and a blessing) at times. We moved January 2, which means I went straight from my final Christmas-deadline quilt order to packing up our entire household to unpacking in our new house. And I'll admit that it's taking MUCH longer to get unpacked and settled in than I thought it would. Parts of our basement are still neck-deep in unopened boxes. I can't find the power cord for my digital piano!

So in the unrest of packing and Christmas and New Year's and unpacking and getting things re-puzzled into our new home, I spent over a month doing NO WORK - no paying work, that is. Eek! I already had several quilts on my waiting list when I finished my Christmas rush, so now I'm dreadfully, shamefully behind, and my clients are just dangling! I'm so sorry, quilting friends!

But, at long last, here's the first quilt that I completed in our new home. I've had it since October! THANK YOU, Ann, for your patience and understanding. This was a BEAUTIFUL piece, and I was very honored to work on it!

For those of you who've asked. I don't have a perfect set-up for quilting in our new house. The house, on the whole, is laid out really nicely for our family - lots of common living space, lots of openness. But not one bedroom that was large enough for my quilting machine! So for now, it's in the basement family room. It's TIGHT, let me tell you! But Eric and I have plans of creating a dedicated quilting studio on the side of the house, once we sell our old house and free-up some cash. I'm dreaming.... sigh.


  1. Brilliant quilting design that enhances the quilt. Beautifully done.

  2. All the quilts are beautiful, but that last one is just gorgeous. The front is wonderful, but those photos of the back are drool-worthy. Beautiful!

  3. Carrie that is incredible. It should win an award or something. Hope you are loving your new home.
